Día 1: “Fuimos al instituto a las 3a.m y allí cogimos el autobús hacia el aeropuerto, en el camino comimos un bocata, cogimos el avión y llegamos a Londres a las 7:50 a.m”
We went to the school at 3 a.m, and there we took the bus to the airport, on our way we ate a sandwich, we took the plane and we arrived in London at 7:50 a.m”
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” Día 1 en Londres: por la tarde fuimos a Trafalgar Square y a la National Gallery donde estuvimos realizando un proyecto. A las 6 nos recogieron nuestras familias, nos presentamos y nos llevaron a nuestro hogar durante esta semana. Tuvimos una deliciosa cena allí.
Day 1 in London: in the afternoon we went to Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery where we did a project. At 6pm our families picked us up and we introduced ourselves. They took us to our home for this week. We had a delicious dinner.”
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